Advantages of Human Hair Wigs

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Advantages of Human Hair Wigs

The scientific name for the human hair covering the head, hats, mufflers, arms, legs, and armpits is human hair. Human hair has four basic components: the hair's under layer, called the medulla, that are shed each and every day; the cuticle, which protects the inner portion from abrasion; the cortex, thick layer that is surrounded by a thin membrane that supplies nutrients to the other three layers; and the keratin, which help repair the damage that has been inflicted on the hair. While hair is generally classified into four types according to the presence and absence of various characteristics, it is important to note that human hair differs from its counterparts in some ways. For example, human hair tends to be thinner, tends to break easily, breaks more frequently, and dries more quickly than most animal hair types.

One important characteristic of human hair is that it does not have direction of cuticles. Directional cuticles are hair cuticles found in animals, such as cows and sheep, that move in one direction. In case of human hair, there are generally no direction cuticles. This can make human hair vulnerable to thermal damage-the kind of damage that can shorten a wig's life span. Since human hair does not have cuticles that point in any direction, it is up to the wearers themselves to determine how they would like their hair to look after it has been styled.

A major benefit of using human hair is that it is easy to maintain. Unlike synthetic wigs that need to be ironed after every wash, non-remy hair requires only a damp cloth or a damp towel to get the job done. A good set of combs is also essential in taking care of your non-remy wig. Combs that match your natural hair texture can be the most effective way to maintain your non-remy wig. Of course, human hair brushes are the preferred tool for straightening and massaging your non-remy hair.

One downside of using human hair wigs is that they are more expensive than synthetic wigs. While synthetic wigs are made from cheaper, lower quality materials, human hair wigs are made from high quality, durable materials that last longer than most human hair types. Another disadvantage of human hair wigs is that they require more maintenance. Because these wigs must be washed regularly and thoroughly dry cleaned, they can be a bit more costly than other wigs.

Another disadvantage of human hair wigs is that these wigs are not safe for use on the scalps of individuals with allergies or who have diseases that affect hair growth. In addition, these wigs may not look as natural as other types of wigs because the cuticles of these wigs are more open than those of synthetic wigs, making them appear more like human hair. Some people find that the look of these wigs irritates their scalps, but this can also depend on the particular wig brand that you purchase. Some brands of human hair wigs can cause scalp irritation, while others do not irritate scalps at all.

While there are some disadvantages associated with using human hair as wig material, it has many advantages. First of all, it does not require the same amount of maintenance as other types of wigs. In addition, human hair is good quality, durable, easy to care for, looks great, and is actually closer to the real thing in appearance than other types of hair used as wig material. For these reasons, human hair is an excellent choice for people who are looking to purchase a wig for either style, need a different look, or are allergic to other types of wigs.

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