How to Choose a Hair Extension

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How to Choose a Hair Extension

Real human hair is one of the most popular types of hair extension real human hair It’s easy to see why, as it offers the most natural look and feels – it can be styled and treated like your own hair and can last up to a year if cared for correctly.

There are many brands of hair extensions on the market and choosing which ones to invest in can be tricky. But there are a few things you can do to make sure that you are getting high quality hair for your money.

The first thing you should do is to ask if your hair extension is made from real human hair or synthetic. Synthetic hair is cheaper than real human hair, but it won’t look or feel as natural and can’t be styled with heating tools like curling irons or blow dryers.

Another thing to look for is whether the hair has been processed or not. Processed hair is often of lower quality and will require heating or chemical treatment to achieve the desired effect.

Unprocessed hair, on the other hand, still has its cuticles intact and will have a natural shine from root to tip. It will also be very smooth and won’t tangle or shed excessively after being washed.

Remy hair is the highest grade of human hair and it is the best choice for hair extensions. This is because it has all its cuticles aligned in the same direction from root to tip – this means that it won’t tangle or shed when being washed, unlike non-Remy hair which can be prone to frizzing and tangling.

If you’re unsure about which type of hair to buy, check out our comparison table below and click on the ‘view more’ link for a detailed description of each. Alternatively, visit our shop online to browse and buy the perfect hair extension for you.

Fake human hair is becoming more and more common, so it’s important to be careful when you are buying a hair extension. This is because many con artists will falsely advertise their products claiming that they are real, when in fact, they aren’t.

The first thing to do is to check the brand and the website that you are purchasing from. If a brand is well established and has a lot of reviews on it, then it’s likely that they will sell good quality hair extensions.

This is a good way to avoid paying for cheap and shoddy products that could be a lot worse for your hair than you bargained for. Ensure that the site you are shopping with has a contact page where you can speak to a customer service team.

You should also ask for a sample to see the colour of the hair before you buy it, so you can see if it matches your own. If it doesn’t, then you might be dealing with an extortionate seller or something that isn’t of the highest quality.

Tags:bang clip in human hair
